
E-Pub “Coastal Governance – Brazil toward the Sea”
The e-Pub, by Eugênio Singer and Cristiane Limeira, brings content discussed and presented at the I National Forum on Coastal Governance.
The idea of preparing this book arose during the 1st National Forum on Coastal Governance, when Eugênio Singer and Cristiane Limeira realized that not giving forward to the content they extracted from the plenary's exhibitions and manifestations would be to betray the expectations of everyone who attended.
The printed book, which has now given way to the e-Pub version, presents the themes debated at the Forum without much fidelity to the development of debates and, not infrequently, also to the contexts in which they were inserted; admittedly partial, the authors resorted to certain manifestations to reinforce the understanding that, without the improvement of democracy, the coast will not achieve the so-called sustainable development. The data and information presented in the boxes to support certain tickets, on the other hand, maintained strict identity with the respective sources.