Amazon Volunteer Program
IPBio has aquired its second reserve in a town called Alter do Chão in the heart of the Amazon and is beggining research activities on wildlife and flora. IPBio conducts long term inventories essential for understanding trend in wildlife patterns and monitoring the effects of climate change. These activities are done in a group and are field research activities where repetitive data collection is required to understand trends over long periods. This role is for volunteers who like to be outside and enjoy physical activity. Become a volunteer now!
To apply email: imran@ipbio.org.br
Scientific Methodologies & Field Techniques
Camera trap for mammal monitoring
Bird Inventory for species identification
Forest Inventory – mapping out level of forest conservation through the flora biodiversity
Mushroom Inventory
Search for Bioluminescent and Fluorescent Organism
Fish Inventory
Gardening and Reforestation

Weekend Tourism in Free Time
• Visit the gigantic Sumauma trees of the Amazon in the National Park of Flona
• Trail to see monkey and sloths (and maybe even an anaconda)
• See the famous Amazonian water lily and even eat it
• Gorgeous sunsets and star gazing
• Boat trips to visit countless stunning beaches
• Visit animal rehab center of manatees
• See the encounter of the Amazon River with the Tapajos River
• Wildlife watching
• 2 day boat tour - sleep on a boat and wake up to gorgeous sunrise over the lake
• Kayaking and Stand-Up on the river and feeding turtles