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IPBio has a team of Board Directors and Councelors who act and promote the Institute, so it continues developing researches on biodiversity and awareness, conservation and promotion of Brazilian biomes.

Board of Directors


Sergio Pompéia


Agronomist degree from Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, São Paulo University (USP), 1980. MSc and PhD in Botany and Plant Ecology from USP’s Bioscience Institute. Founder and President of the Biodiversity Research Institute – IPBio. Director – President of CPEA – Consultancy, Planning and Environmental Studies since 2000, is the founder and editor of Editora Neotropica, where he edited more than 10 titles in the areas of biodiversity and history of Brazil. He worked at CETESB between 1986 and 2000, coordinating projects related to the recovery of the Serra do Mar in Cubatão and the territorial planning of the Baixada Santista. He was Director of the Technical Division of Conservation and Management of Parks of DEPAVE-São Paulo City Hall from 1983 to 1986.

Jayme Servant


Jayme Serva is an advertising copywriter and a freelance journalist. Managing Director of Neotropica Publishing House, he worked as a copywriter and creative director at national and multinational advertising agencies, such as Wunderman, Publicis-Norton, Newcomm Bates (current YR) and Leo Burnett. Collaborated with various media, such as magazines Pequenas Empresas Grandes Negócios (Globo Publishing House) Brasileiros, Morar (Folha de São Paulo Newspaper), Meio Mensagem, Propmark (the latter specialized in market communication), the newspaper Folha de São Paulo and the website Blue Bus from Rio de Janeiro.

Ione Novoa Jezler

Holds a Master’s in Environmental Science and a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management and Energy Sector Business from São Paulo University. Has a wide experience in environmental licensing in federal, state and municipal levels. Worked in projects of power transmission and distribution; hydroelectric and thermoelectric plants and Small Hydroelectric Plants (SHPs); expansion and improvement of road systems; expansion of urban road systems and implementation of allotments; recovery of urban centers and historical heritage; dredging of ports; plans for population resettlement; urban and housing projects and expedition of environmental management plans; sanitation and watershed management. She is also a consultant to the World Bank and IDB in the environmental assessment of projects.

Board of Auditors


Fernando Rios

Lord Commander

Fernando Rios is a journalist, consultant and Advisor of integrated organizational communication specialized in community and environment relations. Working as a content editor for digital media, he is also a graphic design, poet and artist apart from composing, editing and diagramming various books, journals and websites.

Geraldo Eysin

Lord Commander

Biologist, Master of the Department of Ecology of USP with specialization in aquatic ecosystems in the Netherlands. He worked for 19 years at CETESB, holding various positions. He is currently a consultant to ICMBio-Ibama and WFT, a member of SOBRADE (Recovery Society for Degraded Areas) and AGERCO (Brazilian Coastal Management Agency). He is a member of the PCJ Hydrographic Basin Committee, in the Natural Resources Chamber, presides over the SUPREMA NGO and is a professor at FAJ (Faculdade de Jaguariúna), in Environmental Engineering. Founder of consulting company HC2 – Sustainable Environmental Management. It has several publications in national and international congresses, chapters in books, besides children’s paradise works, always with the theme of environment.

Salvador Feli

Lord Commander

Salvador is a veterinarian, graduated 30 years ago by UNESP of Jabuticabal city, and works in his own clinic for 28 years. With extensive experience in internal medicine and surgery, Salvador participated in several courses and works in Argentina and Spain. He is currently a volunteer in caring for rescued wildlife, for NGO Mata Ciliar, in Jundiaí.



Forestry Engineer, he was head of Juréia-Itatins’s Ecological Station (1981-1988) from the Special Secretariat of environment (SEMA), technical coordinator of the State Superintendency of IBAMA in the State of São Paulo (1993-2000), Visiting Lecturer of Forest Sciences Department from ESALQUSP (2003-2004), Project Coordinator of Forest Management in Indigenous Land of Xikrin do Cateté through the Socioenvironmental Institute (2001-2002), Forestry Standardization Coordinator from the Forestry Board of Directors from IBAMASede (2005 – 2006), License Coordinator of public forests in the Brazilian Forest Service (2009-present). As an environmentalist he was the founder of Pro-motion Juréia, from SOS Atlantic Forest, and from the Socialenvironmental Institute and from IMAFLORA. AtIMAFLORA he was a member of the Board of Directors (1995-2005) and President of the Board (1995-1999).

Rubens Mendonça

Lord Commander

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