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Young artists of biodiversity
IPBio is starting a new project called “Young Artists of Biodiversity in the Tropical Forest of Brazil” that will allow young people from Iporanga, turn knowledge into art. The best way for us to bequeath (leave) a healthy planet to future generations is to keep our young people connected with all issues involving the conservation and restoration of the environment. Fifteen students will participate in a three-week course on biodiversity, history, culture and photography at IPBio. They will produce digital images and art to show the importance of our natural, historical and cultural riches. Subsequently, the work will be presented to the entire local community and made available online on social media in order to raise awareness about the importance of the riches that exist in the Atlantic Forest. You can also contribute. To donate to this project click here
Service to public school students

IPBio serves students from public schools in the region free of charge. We know that it is impossible to think about conservation without thinking about education and involvement of the local and surrounding community. Here, children and young people can get a closer look at the riches that surround them and understand why we must preserve them. The intention is, later on, develop a more extensive program with diversified activities throughout the year.
Internship program for young people from Iporanga
This program arose from the idea of providing young people in the city with the opportunity for a first experience in the world of work, in projects involving technology, such as organization, production and editing of images, as well as contact with scientific research and contact with people from other cultures and regions. Through an agreement signed between IPBio and the public school in the municipality of Iporanga “EE Nascimento Sátiro da Silva” high school students are selected to work at IPBio.
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